Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mumbai Terror Attacks- My thoughts

Some thoughts on the Mumbai terror attack of last year.

India is currently exclusively focussed on the Pakistani involvement in these attacks. This seems to have deflected the attention completely away from introspection into our own internal security.

Nobody is even asking as to what support these people got from local elements. I find it impossible to believe that 10 foreign kids could come into our country by boat and then navigate our streets expertly get into and barricade themselves into 5 star hotels for over 4 days without any support from locals.

Is there any investigation happening into that. Is our media looking into this. All the news that I read on indian websites is about "No action being taken by pakistan".

What about action being taken by India on our internal security.  What about looking into sleeper cells and finding out what are the next steps. What about improving our police forces and eliminating political control over them.
I believe the Supreme Court had come up with a suggestion some years back that Police reforms are required to make our country more secure and more democratic. 
But that has been conveniently ignored.

Just yesterday I read on that the lady who saw the terrorists land at the Fishermen's Colony has gone missing !!!!!!!!!!! 
How could that happen. And then someone says that this is not important as she is not a material witness!!!!!!!!!!!! So it doesn't matter if she DISAPPEARS??

My theory: She has probably seen more than 10 people land and now these guys don't want that information coming out during investigation.

Again I find it very difficult to believe that this was done by just 10 people.

More on Conspiracy Theories later

1 comment:

  1. how many "americans" helped those "9/11" guys
