Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Uncle. My Hero

He was the closest I had to a childhood hero. My earliest memory ever is probably of his wedding. I got to wear a maroon safari suit for the reception. That and the fact that it rained for the wedding.
The other enduring memories from those days is getting up early in the morning at 5 am to watch India play Australia and New Zealand Down Under. It used to be in winter and we used to sleep on the sofa or settee with blankets and enjoy those matches. He introduced me to all the cricketers and explained the nuances of the game, hooking me forever on to the game.

Those were the days.

I used to voraciously devour all the cricket books and sports magazines of which he had an endless supply getting introduced to the history of the game as well as keep up with the latest goings on in the world of sport.

I also used to go with him to Khar Gymkhana where he taught me how to swim. We would then have batata wada or sandwiches and come back home.

Watching cricket matches from the Pavilion due to the free tickets that he always had was another thrill.
In addition to all this he was always a character to be around with. His understated sense of humour. His idiosyncracies or his mannerisms which at one time I would try to imitate thinking they were cool or funny.
His crazy comments or phrases which I would repeat.
"aluwadi dhingawadi sore bhomchi'
'Peter Pumpkin eater'

It was a shock when I came to know about his illness and tried to block it out thinking that like a bad dream it would all go away. Being so far away there was nothing I could do and could not even bring myself to call him and talk to him regularly in the last few months.
Just kept hoping that somehow like the true sportsman that he was, he would carry on his innings for some more time which would give me the chance to meet him once again when I came back.
It was not to be............................

Kumar Kaka I will not miss you as you will always be there with me wherever I am.

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